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Eboni Gordon


My name is Eboni Gordon. I have lived in the Bronx for 17 years. (all of my life). I attend Park West High School Downtown, majoring in Computer Science. I am currently in the 12th grade, (Class of 2000).

As a new member of Harlem Live I hope to inform a lot of people who are not aware of some of the things happening in everyday life. I'm also here to prove some wrong, teens want to make a difference.

After High School I Plan on going to Norfolk University In Virginia or Hampton University, also in VA. I want to major in Computer or Veterinarian Science. My goal is to become a Veterinarian in New York or In VA. I want to become a animal doctor because I love animals. At home I have a Cat named Baby and a Rottwelier named Thunder.

I enjoy writing , reading, being out doors, going to the movies, playing cards, going to the park (when the weather is warm) and meeting new people. I enjoy helping others when my help is needed. If I'm not at work I'm found at home relaxing.

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