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Marlene Gomez


Location: New York City

Age: 15

Occupation: I am attending high school and am currently in the ninth grade.

Hobbies: Some of the things I like to do are write (I love writing) act, draw, swim, learn new things, use the Internet, make web pages, watch t.v., take pictures, meet new people, go out with my friends, shop, and travel.

My favorite cartoon character: Garfield the Cat

Favorite Sport: Baseball and yes I love the Yankees, they are the best!

Harlem Live: My reason for becoming a member of Harlem Live was because my advisor Jessica from the previous Young Women's Tech had recommended the program "She Thang" to me and it sounded good to me. Also I love working with computers and I am very well experienced with them. Along with that, the feeling of seeing other young girls as myself participate and work with computers as well as train themselves for the future and better themselves in technology is great.

Future Goal: I would like to become a professional live broadcast journalist (reporter) for channel five morning news for these reasons: 1. I love hearing different voices and opinions from people. 2. I love traveling and seeing new people as well as reporting what goes on in our world today. Also I would like to do some acting as well.

