We Would Like to Thank ...

HarlemLive is a non profit organization.We need your help as we grow! All donations are tax-deductible under the 501 (3)(c) IRS code. If you'd like to make a contribution, go to http://www.helping.org/donate/. In the search window, type HarlemLive to make your donation to help us.


Fleet Bank

The Institute for Learning Technologies (ILT) at Teachers College, Columbia University


Playing 2 Win/ Boys Harbor: PTW who housed our program for three years and supported us in innumerable ways. Their former director, Mara Rose, was constantly full of ideas for our program and helped build collaboration throughout virtual and actual communities.


Black Business School Association: provided us with our first grant; which allowed us to purchase a digital video camera.



Caliber Consulting LLC: donated a Strawberry iMac. 


This kind of donation is greatly needed, appreciated and put to tremendous use by us youth!!!

Thank you, Caliber!


Epson: donated three high-end printers. As well, they nominated us for the Smithsonian Computer Award in Washington, D.C., where we were finalist. In D.C., they were our gracious hosts.

Finally, we would like to thank EVERYONE who has helped us. (Especially all the advisors!!) If there are any other organizations that could help HarlemLive, give us a holler.
harlemlive@aol.com or (212) 678-3199

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