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Cloning, Stem Cells, And Morals
by:Kamal Muhammad

Imagine being born into this world knowing you’re just an artificial descendent of the “real” you. Would you believe in everything that everyone else believes in? Would you live life under the same morals as everyone else? Can you live with religion, with righteousness, with law? Would you believe in god and his judgments? Knowing that you’re an artificial person would you believe that you, a clone, could be judged? If not how would you live your life?

What does all this matters if you would never be born? You’re actually only becoming an embryo where you will be extracted and used to better the “real” you.
Stem cells are blank-cells with an indefinite life span in a lab dish. Stem cells are a remedy to all the different cells types of the body. Through “therapeutic cloning”, a perfectly match cloned embryo from a humans cell can serve as a remedy by transplanting the human’s tissue.

Creating 30 healthy human embryos, South Korea is drawing closer to making human embryos good enough to saving human lives. Human cloning embryos have only gone pass a few cell divisions. These 30 embryos have grown into blastocysts, pinhead-sized spheres of 100-150 cells. Included in the blastocysts are small masses of stem cells.

Recent president Bush views are as any Republican. Bush would like to stop all human cloning. Though right now these embryos are used for research, Bush still would like to cease all cloning with fear that nonconformist constructiveness doctors might use their research to create human babies.

Congress is now contemplating whether or not to diminish all cloning activity going on. Along with congress, the United Nations is also reviewing cloning.

Unlike banning all human cloning activities, running democrat leader John Kerry believes cloning is adequate to research human cloning while forbidding any making of babies.

Banning all human cloning, the leading remedy to saving lives from cancer, HIV, and other fatal diseases or disabilities, will continue the human race of passing on from terminal illnesses. To permit human cloning will give great misdemeanor to the average conservative. A verdict must be met to term of whether or not to create an unborn embryo to save lives or to continue the fatal illnesses of the present humanity. Whichever terms specifically concluded will result both beneficial and detrimental.

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