I ask people what their most memorable times are, most tell
me that their most memorable times occurred in high school.
I entered high school a year ago, and it has been fun, but
very, very stressful. I try to organize and make time for
everything that I am assigned to do, but still everything
seems to bunch up and become overwhelming. Sometimes I just
want to give up and stop trying so hard.
I don’t just feel pressure from school, but from my
family and society as well. Since I am Hispanic, I am expected
to defy all those stereotypes that people might have of
Hispanics. Some examples of these stereotypes are that Hispanics
are not well educated, that they are always loud and that
pregnancy occurs at a young age. I might be loud sometimes,
but I am very educated and I am not considering having a
baby any time soon. But still my parents expect me to exceed
all expectations and be the very best, which is pretty hard.
Since second grade I was in the Gifted and Talented Program,
which is a program for students who are a bit more advanced
than their grade level. I was in that program until fourth
grade and then I entered the Delta Program at Booker T.
Washington M.S. 54. The Delta Program is also for students
that are a bit more advanced than their grade level, and
in that course I found it very hard to be the best. For
the four years that I was in that school, the most I could
do was get in the Honor Roll, and for the last two years
it wasn’t very easy. My parents always told me that
I had to have good grades and get a scholarship to a good
college and that was how it was going to be. Before, it
didn’t bother me and I would just do everything I
was told to do, but now, it is getting very stressful because
the work is getting harder and I find myself with more responsibilities.
Some studies show that many Hispanics either drop out of
high school or don’t ever get to college. Because
of this, I am expected to do very well in school and make
it into a good college. I am not saying that it isn’t
something I want, but this goal seems very difficult, because
the stress I am experiencing is working against me and slowing
me down instead of pepping me up and encouraging me to keep
moving ahead.
Right now, I am trying to maintain a straight A average
because my parents always want the best from me. Lately
it has started getting harder and harder to do because some
of the teachers I have are very stubborn and they are making
my life very difficult. For example, the teachers would
give me a low grade for a project, and when I revised it,
they would only add two points to my grade. That really
annoys me even if the teachers are trying to encourage me
to do better. I still feel like my efforts are pointless.
Besides that, I have to juggle homework, after school (dance
club) and volunteer work that I do at my local church. I
also have to find some time to hang out with my friends
and family. Even though it’s really difficult for
me, I somehow always find a way to get all my things done.
It’s a relief when that happens and I can get them
out of the way, but it’s overwhelming when I have
new things to deal with.
I guess I shouldn’t complain too much because all
this pressure I am under is for a good reason and it is
supposed to encourage me to strive harder and surpass my
limits, but even if that is so, it is still very nerve-racking.
Hopefully I will overcome all this stress and meet these
goals so that it won’t be something I have to worry
about anymore.