his or her definition of “gay”. Some will
simply reply that it refers to homosexuals and bisexuals
alike. Despite its most common usage, many people have
their own view of the word. But, no matter what your take
is on the term, along with any other label homosexuality
has acquired over the years, one thing is undisputable,
society does degrade the lifestyle rather than incorporate
tolerance. For decades same sex orientation has been a
focal point for violence and discrimination.
Even way before the infamous bigotry of Adolph Hitler,
homosexuality was used as a motive to carry out genocide.
“Gays” faced prevalent violence, harassment,
prejudice, and death. In the early nineteenth and twentieth
centuries hate crimes against “gays” grew
tremendously high. Today, such crimes remain in existence,
making it clear that homosexuals have no safe haven in
this society. Believe it or not, there are eighty-three
countries today that outlaw homosexuality as well as several
of our own states.
In Massachusetts, for example, reported hate crimes against
“gays” increased 42 percent in 1997. A hotline,
created by the St. Louis Anti-Violence Project in 1995,
recorded that 47 percent of the calls were violent crimes
against homosexuals. FBI Hate Crimes Statistics shows
that in 2001 there were 1,393 reported incidents against
gays, lesbians, and transgender individuals. In 1991,
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force announced a 31
percent increase in violence. A spokesperson for this
task force, Robin Kane, said, “The gay and lesbian
community is more visible now than it has been in the
past. With increased visibility we [have become] more
visible targets for those who hate us”. Many people
today, especially young people, are more and more open
with their homosexuality and society is failing to accept
Recently, a young girl in New Jersey lost her life to
bias intimidation. On May 11th around 3:20 a.m. Sakia
Gunn, 15, was at a bust stop in Newark with four of her
female friends. Retuning from a party in Greenwich Village,
the girls were approached by two men in a white station
wagon on the corner of Broad and Market Streets. Sakia
Gunn rejected the sexual advances made by one of the men
by declaring her homosexuality as well as her friends?.
Subsequently, she was stabbed in the chest and left to
fight for her life. Sakia Gunn was taken to the University
Hospital in Newark where she died later that morning.
On Thursday, May 15th Latona Gunn and about 300 others,
many which were gay activists, held a rally at Newark
City Hall for better police protection of gays. On that
same day, Richard McCullough, 29, turned himself in to
Newark police. He was identified by witnesses as being
the passenger in the car and as the killer. He has been
charged with weapon possession, homicide, and bias intimidation
Homophobia is the reason behind each and every hate crime.
People are brainwashed and forced to believe that homosexuality
is morally wrong. Celebrities, if none other, are great
influences and can spread homophobia rapidly. Dr. Laura
Schlessinger has verbally attack homosexuals on her radio
show, calling them “biological errors”, thus
showing her support for anti-gay sentiment and fueling
it simultaneously.
Based on statistics, schools are breeding grounds for
homophobia. It is not uncommon for both gay students and
teachers to be harassed and discriminated against. For
example, The Queensland government decided that religiously
affiliated schools have the right to discriminate against
gay teachers. A particular man who supported the government?s
actions against homosexuality said, “When we took
God out of schools in the 1960s, the education system
went downhill. Now it’s time to put God back in
the classroom”. Schools prove to be the main places
where ideas are expressed and instilled into the young
and impressionable minds of students.
No one is aware of what will happen in the future. Only
time can tell if things shall remain the same. In order
to see change we must make it happen. An openly gay student
at the Frederick Douglass Academy, Luis Berrios, 14, himself
has experienced prejudice inside and outside of his school.
He stated, “What we need are laws and rights to
protect us. Prejudice has been going on for a very long
time and if this doesn’t open our eyes then I don’t
know what will”.