sound of dutches and glass bottles served as a soundtrack
to my adolescence. I remember the first time I smoked, as
I look at the corner littered with 40 oz bottle caps. Malt
liquor was always present as my friends and I cracked jokes
and laid back with the TV on. I marked my time by the cannabis
like seasons as I learned the rhythm of what was available
and when. You should have seen the rain dances we performed
trying to get through the dry seasons. We don’t have
4H where I’m from but, I learned a lot about agriculture
as I separated the sticks and seeds. I enjoyed the warm
consistency of intoxication and a lot of people were shocked
when I quit several months ago.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with altered
states of consciousness in themselves. Historically, people
have always sought different methods of manipulating their
perceptions or emotions. However, we live in a world where
there are oppressive conditions and we can only transform
them on the basis of what we know to be true. Weed and alcohol
dilute the critical thought it takes to get to that truth
and engage reality in all its instability.
Weed makes the time pass, but opportunities pass with it.
You can’t identify or take advantage of good situations
when your vision is blurred with intoxication. Its hard
to make good decisions because everything looks distorted
through the Hennessey bottle-especially time. I can’t
count how many times I have spent hours just talking and
laughing about nothing. There is nothing really to talk
about when you’re high all the time because you end
up wasting so much time getting high.
In the end, I think people have to make their own decisions.
My advice is don’t believe what they teach in school
or advertise on anti-drug commercials. Do your own research
and talk to people about their own experiences. No one can
make decisions for you but you should at least make informed
Part II - Cannabis - FYI
Part III
- Cannabis - Medical Marijuana