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Vai Kee Ng Life

by Vai Kee Ng


My name is Vai Kee Ng and I currently attend Washington Irving High School, class of 2002. I was born on February 2 1984, in a downtown Manhattan hospital (I've forgotten the name of it.) My life after those few moments in the hospital are vague to me but I suppose that's how it must be for most people unless they had developed photographic memory at birth.

One of my first memories as a child was the day I learned how to ride a bike: it was a swell moment for me. (Yes, this is going to be one of those fragmented childhood through adolescent life memoirs...It's not too late to exit this window). When I was a child, my family moved pretty often, for job related reasons. Since I've moved so much, I've managed to meet many unique and wonderful people- people whom I still talk to and hang out with now.

I think the one thing that's good in my life right now is my school life. Washington Irving High School has opened up a world of opportunities for me, especially the Yalow Institute. Because of them, I've learned so much these past three years. I've also grown to love and cherish everyone that's part of the Yalow Institute. Since the Yalow House is a relatively small program, the classes are very close due to group trips and activities. This makes it hard for me not to know each and every student in the Yalow Institute.

My fondest memories of the Yalow House are with my class. The junior class of Yalow is "surprisingly", my class- that also makes us the first graduating class of Yalow since we are the first class of this program. Our class consists of the goofiest people I know and yet these same people are some of the smartest people. Our lives are a cross between a daytime soap opera and a sitcom- there's never a dull moment.

I don't have a lot of hobbies since school takes up most of my time but when I do have time, I enjoy reading novels written by Dean Koontz and Lisa Kleypas. Sketching is also one of my favorite past-times. At one point in my life I've tried Capoeira and Hapkido classes; those classes were lots of fun but somewhat time consuming when I had a job as well as classes. During the winter of 2001, I enrolled in a college course (American Writers of the 20th Century) at the New School University. It was a very interesting course about literary works by Frost, Hemingway, Williams, Plath, Ginsberg, etc.

My bestest (I understand that "Bestest" is not a word but if it sounds good, it belongs, despite it being grammatically incorrect) friends are everyone in my class, but the ones I love the most out of all of them are Didi, Laura, and Jenno (Jenny). They are, by far, the most intriguing and eccentric individuals that I've ever met in my life, one of a kind you might even say. As different as we four may be, it never seemed to matter when we hang out because we get along extraordinarily well; well enough that is.

My life is pretty boring and my efforts to make it less boring have had some success but not all. However, I'm relatively happy with my life, just the way it is.


Dean Koontz - official site.

Lisa Kleypas - Romance Novelist



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