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IMPORTANT NOTICE: THIS ARTICLE IS NOT TO OFFEND OR GENERLIZE BOYS IN ANY WAY. I APOLOGIZE IF YOU ARE OFFENDED, AND IF YOU ARE: YEAH RIGHT HA HA HA!! In the past few years I've started to realize that boys are stupid, especially when it comes to relationships. What makes us females as stupid as them in this subject is that we constantly involve ourselves in the manipulative games that we know they're gonna play. Unfortunately, we create this ideal image of the perfect boyfriends all to become heartbroken when they fail to meet our expectations. Ok, maybe, my "perfect boyfriend" idea is a dream. I will admit that females stupidly play games, too. But that's beside the point! Instead of giving you a two paged story on the intricate rules of relationships, I will describe the classic conversations and scenes that usually occur in three major categories called "THE GET TOGETHER," "THE RELATIONSHIP," and the quick and infamous "BREAKUP". (Remember that all of these descriptions come from personal experience.) THE GET TOGETHER: This is where It all begins. A girl will be walking across the street, and then some guy will shout, " Hey shorty!" Initially, she ignores him, but if he looks good enough she will stop. They switch names, ages, dating status and numbers. Then they start dating, talking on the phone until the wee hours of the morning, and meeting each other's friends and family members. Afterwards, the first kiss comes, the official "we're going out" announcement comes, etc. THE RELATIONSHIP: During this period the couple will argue about stupid things, such as not keeping in touch, the he-said-she-said gossip, the "where have you been?" They will argue over the "why were you with her?", the "why he is he calling your house?" , and the "why you got her number?" These seemingly small questions can cause a couple to have many break-ups and make-ups. THE BREAKUP: (DUNT DUN DUNNNNŠ) Even though the couple tries to stay faithful, inevitably, they will slowly drift apart and start talking to other people. Perhaps they will creep around and become less interested in each another. Soon they'll find themselves sitting down not saying much. They will both explain why they shouldn't be together and decide to remain friends. Now
you may be thinking that this story is totally unfair and that girls
are as manipulative as guys. True, girls got game, too, but the hidden
moral of my story is that we're all still learning about relationships.
One day we will all find the right person. Until then have fun and
stay out of trouble!
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