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Next Stop: Insanity
by Tajudeen Adegbie


It was a Monday like any other Monday when I got on the #2 train going to work or what I like to call, “a place of superficial madness and ultimate damnation.” But there was something different about this day. When I woke up my clock said 6:66 and it was playing music by Rob Zombie and Ozzy Osborne and for some strange reason I enjoyed it. From this experience I thought that I was pretty much prepared for anything to happen that day.

When the train reached 149th street and 3rd avenue. I was listening to my cassette player, when a tall black man came on the train. From the looks of things, he appeared to be homeless. The man walked towards the front of the train car and stood near one of the doors. All of a sudden he started to scream out these crazy incoherent phrases. “Do you know where I’m going? I’m going to the fucking precinct and who is going to stop me.” Immediately the conductor came out and told the crazed man to keep his voice down but when she said that the man walked away saying “shut the fuck up you bitch”.

For some strange reason, I began to laugh and the crazed man looked and began to walk towards me with a demon—like look on his face. He said things like, “What are you looking at? What are you fucking laughing at?” So I looked at him and did the one thing that he and everyone on that car didn’t expect, I just smiled. Suddenly, the man stopped screaming at me and with a scared look on his face moved away from me. Before he went on the next car he said, “you are the most crazy and insane person that I ever met and because of that you will be feared by those who oppose and challenge you.” He then made his way on to the next car.

When the train got to the next stop at 149th and Grand Concourse, the man got off and began yelling again, but not for long. The cops were there and as they took him away I began to think of what the guy had said and realized some things. One of them was that he was right. I have the power to change minds and feelings of people without even making an effort. So I guess the question still remains to all the people who will ever ask me, “is it you or people’s opinion of you that makes you crazy? Or is it the world pushing you to your own destiny?” Well, I know one thing and that is that I’m crazier than people or I think and because of that, my power will always be limitless.

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