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I Love Them BUT...
by: Torin Amar


I wonder about a lot of things, like why do I have to go to school, how long is it until I move into my own house, and what kind of career will I have? But the thing I wonder most frequently about, is how did I get stuck with my brother and sister?

My sister Kasha is seven and my brother Ahkeem is nine. They act completely differently from each other but each does things that annoy me or make me furious. For example, my brother always goes around me, thinking he is funny, trying to make me laugh and he also comes to me acting like he wants to fight me which makes me want to seriously hit him. My sister irritates me by always acting like a spoiled brat and does bad things that get me in trouble with my mom. Both of my siblings do what they want to do and I usually get in trouble for what they do.

The reason for my troubles at home is due to my brother and sister's antics, which usually wind up with something being broken or someone getting accidentally hurt. They do so many things to annoy me and I can't do a thing about it because they complain to my mom, which makes this worse. I wish I could complain sometimes, but it feels as if my mom always takes their side. Woo-hoo. I get to be the oldest.

One time, I was about to go out and my brother and sister wanted to go with me. When I told them they couldn't go because they were complaining and misbehaving, my mother didn't let anyone go out at all which left me stuck with them. These are not the only problems I have with them. They also continuously break my stuff, play around too much, and make me angry by throwing stuff at each other and me.

One time my brother was angry with me because I did something to him and he threw a book at me and it hit me in my eye. I got him back after what he did but they still continue to misbehave, and I'm still stuck with the blame. I have to admit that sometimes I get on their nerves and sometimes I play with them but then they respond by going too far, and that's when the situation gets serious. I think it's partly my fault because I used to act the same way they are now and I think they feel the need to imitate me, but instead they became worst than I was. I began to realize that they might be mimicking me when I was thinking about why my brother and sister want to go with me everywhere like school, parties, and even Harlemlive. My little brother always used to try to hang out with my friends until he got his own friends, so I'm beginning to understand.

I sometimes wonder if they'll change when they get older or if they'll become even worse. My hope is that they will grow up and become the best little brother and sister they can be.

For more information on Sibling rivalry:

Sibling Rivalry and Why Everyone Should Care

Sibling rivalry: Parenting at iVillage.com


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