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Accidents Can Happen

by Kris Kaid


        It was the summer of â98, and my mother had got me a job working construction for her company. I figured, Hey! Iâm young, good looking, and my mom is almost the highest of the high in her company, so I thought no harm shall come to me, but I was wrong···

        I donât remember the exact day but I know the accident happened on a Thursday. It had been my 4th and a half-week working with my new friends, who just happened to be all Mexican, so communication was a huge problem. I had gotten the basic of Spanish down, but there was still a gap in communication

        We were doing a regular routine clean-up job which required the throwing of bricks over a sidewalk bridge and into a huge street trash box.(yea, so cool!!!), and my job was to move the fallen trash over and make room for the new trash, but this one time I told the guy throwing the bricks over to stop so I can make the room, he didnât understand me and threw some bricks over!!!!!!  The force from the bricks hit me and I hit the ground, but fortunately I wasnât crushed. 

        It took a while for me to realize what just happened (about 7-9 seconds), but when I realized I jumped down from the trash box, and ran to the side of the building and tried to stop this hole in my head to stop bleeding. It didnât hurt, but then I had a look at it, and that made it excruciating. Blood was everywhere, on my hands, face, the sidewalk, my pants, and the wall I was leaning on.

        It took my boss 15mins to get to where I was, so that means I lost 15mins worth of blood. He helped me in the car and took me to the hospital. Now picture this, Iâm bleed from my head, and the only thing my boss has to tell me is

ăremember you live in N.J and your name is Byronä??? What in the·.. I mean I thought I was gonna die, and now Iâm part of this insurance scam. So we go into the hospital and they tell me lay on the table while they examine the wound. My mother comes and is all hysterical, but I calm her down.

        The nurse comes back  and tells us ăwe have to stitch you upä. I didnât really care, but my mother, she was pissed off!!!!! So she leaves and goes to scream at my (ex) boss.

        Moving on, the doctors tell me to lay down again, and place a white sheet of materiel on my face. Then he sterilized the wound and then started the operation. It lasted 15-20mins but I lived.  The doctor told me I should go out into the sun, cause it might leave a permanent mark, and stay away from falling bricks!! 

Now I was told incidents build character, or you learn something everyday. From this incident I learned it really would hurt to know a second or even third language. If I had known how to speak Spanish, this would have been avoided, so what the lesson is from this story is communication helps a lot. I could save you from a trip to the hospital and keep you from getting a hole in your head.


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