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While I Was Sleeping

by Obatunji McKnight
Drawing by Justin Young


Recent events have caused me to wonder if my belief in the kindness of the human soul is unfounded. Several months ago, I was awakened by a loud pounding at my door at around 2am. I didn't hear it again, turned over and started to go back to sleep, but then I heard a conversation in the other room. My first guess was that one of my sisters had stopped by on their way home, but when I heard heavy footsteps coming down my hallway I realized that something was happening.

The next thing I knew flashlights were being thrust into my face, blinding me and police officers were searching my bedroom. My brother who is a deeper sleeper than me didn't wake up until they began the move things around during their search. Eventually the reality of what was happening began to set in on him and he froze up in terror. I can understand his feelings, I mean who wouldn't? One second we are asleep in our beds and the next we're rudely awakened by thugs in police uniforms.

I was scared to make any movements because I wasn't sure how they'd react. After my initial shock wore off I began demanding answers of the officer in charge. He refused to acknowledge that I was even in the room and I received no answers but I was wide-awake and aware. I was also terrified. From my room they moved throughout the house more quietly and thankfully the rest of the children remained asleep and unaware of our night-time visitors.

Why should I be scared of someone sworn to protect me and my family? It's ridiculous that in this day and time that my rights can be stripped away with nary a word and I could have my house searched like a common criminal. I know that to search someone house you need a warrant, but my mother was confronted by about 5 officers was intimidated to consent and could only stand by helplessly and watch as her home was violated in such a way.

My mother has seen many things and experienced a lot of events throughout her life that tempered her emotionally into the strong woman that she is today very few situations leave her feeling less than adept to handle. The fact that she realized her children's lives were in danger and there was nothing she could physically do to help them must have wreaked havoc on her nerves. She feared for our safety.

It's kind of ironic that would happen to a family like ours. None of us have had any prior run-ins with the law. I don't even hop the turnstile. What gave them the right to barge in on me and my family in the middle of the night and treat us like common criminals? Law and order? Justice?

Things won't change if we don't question them and I am demanding change. I am questioning authority. I won't stop until mothers in similar situations can sleep easy at night knowing their children are safe.


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