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Shall I give my Heart to thee?
By:Denaira Reid

For what reason shall I care
Though his smile may be attractive
And his swagger may be graceful
His heart may be open, ready to become well acquainted
Why is thou character so pleasant and calm
Almost all that I ever desire, I find in thee
Is this a trick or reality knocking at my door?
Shall I give my heart to thee?
With thoughts that seem not to hurt a soul, he cares
What if I give my heart to thee?
Will thou leave me in the cold winter?
May he then come back in the spring?
All I ask is that God lead me, and reveal his true colors
When revealed, will I see the same radiant smile?
Or will I see his plan waiting to deceive me?
Shall I give my heart to thee?
I promised myself, no soul shall fool me ever again
No more shall I question one’s truthfulness
Never again will I be betrayed
But if he be truthful, how will I know?
For thou will not move me with gifts and fair deeds
For thou will not move me with sweet words and false emotions
I will only be moved with the honesty of his heart
Shall I give my heart to thee?
I refuse to be scared of expressing true feelings
I refuse to let my guard down for anyone
Thou will never interfere with my plans for the future
Who is he to make me feel such feelings?
Is it his unforgettable style that attracts such attention?
Is it his dedication?
Or is it his modesty?
Shall I give my heart to thee?
His gentleness is so shocking
I question if he is human
I wonder if I am dreaming, and if so I wish to never awake
Is this an angel waiting for thee, or a devil in disguise?
May he be like the rest or unlike any other?
Truthfully I will never find out unless I try
For I only fear disappointment
Shall I give my heart to thee?

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