So why don't you ask me how i feel
I am tired and lonley and my body is in a
Where is that girl that said with me she would spend her life
Have my children stay by my side forever and be my
She was the finest thing i had ever laid eyes on
And she came into my heart but not to stay for
She wined me she dined me and made me feel so good
And i thought i felt the best i ever could
She cooked, she cleaned, she rubbed my back at night
She kissed, she hugged and always loved me
She did each and everthing a woman could do
And never i think i could find love so true
She called me from work, the gym and the store
And she forever told me she loved me more and
I gave her all i last dime even my last cent..
But still nothing mattered execpt the time we
Holding each other and laying by the fire
And let me tell you all...She was my true
When i looked into her eyes i saw nothing but twinkling lights
Even though i wasn't jealous i hated to let her
out my sight
For i felt so empty when she wasn't there
All i wanted to do was run my fingers through her
Then something went totally so wrong
Cause i woke up one morning and my love was
She left me a letter explaining the ordeal
You could never experience the way it made me
As i sat on the bed scratching my head....
I was reading over and over what the letter
Dear Boo:
But now we have to part
Never did i once want to break your heart
You showed me more love i could ever show
And rather than hurt you i rather let you go
The truth of the matter is i am not ready to settle down
I feel that i still have a lot of getting
I thank you for respecting me and treating me like a queen
You gave me your heart, love, trust and
One day someone will be in your life
And give you the same love you give and become
your wife
I hope that you can forgive me for what i have done
I promise you the time we spent was precious and
Baby please things are not what they seem
But for the rest of my days on earth your will be
in my dreams.....
As i finished reading it for the millionth time...
I started more and more to lose my mind
I have lost the only person whom i loved and adore
So what reason is there to stay living for
So i got drunk as hell stumbled to the closed and got my gun
Loaded the chamber pulled the trigger and did
what had to be done
So now here i am stiff and everbody crying
And there was really no since in me really
I left my family, my grandma and daughter behind
If only i could just go back into time
But now it is too late cause i am six feet deep
Wtih dirt over my body and in a eternal