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Date posted02-28-02

That's Where I'm From

by Latasha Thurston


I am from the potato salad, colard greens, from the south
I am from the curry chicken and oxtail, which
fills the air like Barbados.
That’s where I’m from.

I am from the old furniture my grandparents
passed on to my mother.
Two red velvet chairs that could fit in a castle.
And a squared trimmed jewelry box studded with white beads
That’s where I’m from.

I am from the Friday and Saturday nights,
playing double dutch on the sidewalk with my friends,
Or freeze tag out in the sun.
That’s where I’m from.

I am from the Sunday morning church services,
singing and shouting hallelujahs and
praise the Lord to God.
I am from John 3:16 and 1 John 4: 7 & 8,
from children’s church and youth meetings.
That’s where I’m from.

I am from Ocean Ave, Brooklyn, New York
with people all around and noise everywhere
That’s where I’m from!!



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