You are
the men and women, who for years have battled in trenches to protect
the rights and freedoms that we as a nation hold dear. There were
times when the people whose liberty you were fighting to protect did
not appreciate your sacrifices. Little did they know you were dying
for them. How many Christmas holidays, Thanksgivings, Birthdays, Anniversary's
were spent in the jungles and deserts fighting to keep our home safe?
This nation and its people can never repay you, and your families
for the great sacrifices that you have made. The pain and heartache
can still be seen in your eyes. So to every soldier who has ganered
a weapon in the face of oppression and tyranny, for every soldier
who has died in battle, and for every soldier who is still tormented
by the nightmares of war,I just want you to know that this nation
and its people will never forget you, and are indebted to you.