by Kellen Alexis Smith
My Inner Child
When u look @ me . . . What do u see? Do u see a brilliant young female Who can B Whatever she wants to B . . . Or do u see My inner '70's child . . . Rockin' Bellbottoms and a 'fro Talkin' all that jive about A Revolution and Black Power! Readin' Poetry in a smokey café Listenin' to George and the boys Talk about Manchild and Bopgun On the new wax of Parliament/ Funkadelics Man Can U Dig It! . . . Or do u see a Little girl Who is lost . . . Lost in a world where She doesn't know where she belongs, A little girl that Is full of O F S O C N U I N And frustration Because she doesn't feel that anyone Understands What she is all about, BUT! - Do I even know? . . . Do I know my own reality? . . . My reality is Blue &endash; Blue because I'm repeatedly Sad on the inside &endash; sad for reasons That I have no control over . . . But sad My reality is constant looking and wanting - looking for something to brighten up my day and wanting something in my life to stay to make me happy for more than a day I recall days when I was content- Those days of old That's why I act like a child and Adore those things From those days Of childhood- That's why I get so Involved in things Like my music, my art and My Revolution So . . . Dig That! So, When u look @ me now . . . What Do U See? Do u see the face of tomorrow Or The face that haunts u From yesterday?
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