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by: Outside Contributer

Lesbianism is not the move, some of us might say.
But what do we know when we have never lived that life
for even one day?
Romantic love between two women is a sin!
But how can we say that when we've never been?
Lesbianism is prohibited by God's law.
But do you think they choose to be this way so others
will stare at them in awe?
Perhaps not, but I still believe these lesbians have
something hidden up their sleeve.
You are too paranoid. What is wrong with you? Just
because she's your friend does not mean she wants to
be your lover, too!
Well, maybe not, but I still say I should cut her off
and go my own way.
If you want to be ignorant, then go right ahead.
But I promise you this, she never wanted you in her bed.


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