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Dark Destiny



It's sad how we live in such a gritty society,

A city all dirty and grimy.

Killed because I'm too short or tall,

Died because I'm too rich or poor.

Stepped on your shoes, to God I pray,

Please don't shoot me and send me to my grave.

Looked at his girl, oh, what a pretty sight,

Now he wants to thump -- throw down-- get into a fight.

There are many things our society needs,

But least of all a brother dying over some weed.

Many others blame it all on rap,

Open your eyes, you hipocrites, it's not even that.

Open your eyes before it's too late,

Or we're all going to share the same destructive fate.

The people to blame are in our own mirrors,

Wake up before we drown in great floods of bloody rivers.



---Lamont Sparrow 9/16/95



© Copyright 1997, by Lamont Sparrow. All Rights Reserved

Apple Computersharlemlive@aol.com