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Walking down the dark streets of my future, the blinding lights of

passing souls stop me in my tracks. Freezing me for what seems like

an eternity.

In that mind-ripping, conscience-breaking fragment of time,

my whole life leaps towards me from behind, ahead, above..all

around me; bombarding me with thoughtful dreams,breathless ideas

and schemeful plans.

A hand reaches out; it's soft , it's familiar -- it's my mother's.

She wipes my tears away, touches my face-- squeezes it, then slaps it.

I fall to the ground -- hard.

Not due to the force, but to the meaning.

Abandoned by myself -- alone.. as I have always been -- scared, chicken, too damn afraid to walk down that road-- by myself.

Not any more!! I rise -- strong, full of promise, pride and


And instead of walking into the dark abyss afraid, I run into it

full of faith and happiness for the unknown!


Lamont Sparrow '98





© Copyright 1998, by Lamont Sparrow. All Rights Reserved

Apple Computersharlemlive@aol.com