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trips/Rome 2000 (page 1 of 2)
We start out with a prayer led by Jianna Caine's mother wishing all of us traveling to Rome on this day a safe trip. I felt like we were huddled up for a pre- game pep talk. We were all psyched about going and now it's actually happening. "Dreams coming true." We
said our good-byes to our family and friends. We must have exchanged
a thousand kisses that Friday afternoon on Fifth Avenue. We were all
overly excited about getting into the limousine. It being the Some of our luggage accompanied us into the limousines, heck most of it was on top of us. But we made the best of a not so good situation. When we arrived at the airport we were asked by many. "Where are you guys going?" "To Rome," we shouted. There were many surprised looks when we gave that answer. "You guys are going to Rome? That's great. Why are you going?" some asked. Then we give them the speech that we have given to a million people. "Well were going to Rome to present our web site and compete for an award at the Global Junior Challenge . . . blah blah blah"
While on line to board our plane this one guy asked, "Hey you guys
going to Rome to play basketball?"No,
we are going to compete in Go to next page |
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