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Thursday March 29th 2001 was Youth Entrepreneur Day in New York, this annual event was to congratulate young people who have taken leadership the economy. These creative and willing young entrepreneurs take risk to improve the quality of life in our city. The grand prize winner for best business went to 21 year old Murray Abeles for his business in information technology. Second prize went to 17 year old Jordan Baker-Caldwell for his business Art Brooms (crafts). Jordan Baker-Caldwell started selling crafts seven years ago but it wasn't until three years ago when he decided to make crafting into a business. He began carving ordinary household objects into unique works of art. Third place winner was 15 year old Alan Crew with his business Errands R Us (personal services) provides services for people whom are unable to perform their everyday task. HarlemLive was also presented with an award for having one of the best innovative student produced Internet publications. Nicole Farrow the financial coordinator of HarlemLive is the person responsible for us receiving this award. "I am honored to be given this award and I'm glad that HarlemLive is being recognized for it's outstanding work." Christina Camacho the Managing editor of HL says, "I'm extremely grateful to be receiving this award and proud to be a part of HarlemLive and the positive message we give to people all over the world." Justin Young the editor and Chief says "Few people have the honor to be a HarlemLive staff member. How lucky I am to be one." |
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