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Last spring, after attending an awards ceremony honoring the success of two remarkable educators, my attention was drawn to something incredibly rare -- a GOOD SCHOOL. In the midst of all of the educational controversy that was going on at the time, the 2001 Essence Awards were accolading Hans and Ivan Hageman, founders of the East Harlem School at Exodus House, for their bravery and passion in improving the current educational system. Well, The proof is in the puddin' -- these men and their school are the very antithesis to the image of inadequate contemporary education. It
was actually after this ceremony, and after hearing of this school,
that I was inspired to create this trio-school report . I was motivated
to research and roam through the extensive list of educational facilities
throughout the New York City area to find other examples of this
extraordinary bravery and passion when it came to education -- ironically
enough, three of the best examples resided right here...in good
'ole Harlem, USA. Funny -- how my search for the best, brought me
right back home. With that said, I present to you, Harlem School
at Exodus House, Thea Bowman Program, and The Young Women's Leadership
School. Enjoy.
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