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Classes provide an unsuspecting juxtapose of respective debate and dialect with a stout focus on writing. In humanities class, students study the likes of various Enlightenment philosophers, feminists, and other intellectuals in both historic and contemporary society. There's an apparent level of analysis of all studied class work; the YWLS teacher goes beyond asking you a question and simply accepting the correct answer. There's a following of "and why do you think that is?" or "and how has that come to be? What would you have done differently?" after a question is answered. Minds are encouraged to move in YWLS. Despite the resistance that this school has received, it has also received a great deal of support. Media mogul, actress, writer, motivational speaker, and all-around inspiration for young women everywhere, Oprah Winfrey gave a commencement speech at the girls' graduation ceremony last year, telling them, "When I heard your stories, I saw my life in your lives."
"We want parents who might not be able to afford private school or might not have the option of parochial school to be able to go to their school board and [opt for single-sex education], such as some that have had wonderful results. I imagine my colleague, the Senator from New York, will mention this because one of the great success stories in single-sex public schools is the Young Women's Leadership Academy in East Harlem, NY, which just saw its first high school graduation...[This is the kind of school that has] weathered all the storms, faced the lawsuits, and [has] gotten over it.....Ones such as the East Harlem Young Women's Leadership Academy have prevailed, and they have done very well."
-Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Senate Floor Speech, June 7,
The Young Women's Leadership School in East Harlem exceeds what is
expected from a public school, especially one in Harlem, NYC. It has
gone above and beyond mediocre, average, or even "good." It exhumes
excellence. The very ideology and unyielding existence of
YWLS is a living epitome of success, triumph, and courage...the courage
to excel, exceed, and believe in what you're standing for. The Young
Women's Leadership School stands for chances, because it's given hundreds
of inner-city, underprivileged girls the chance to catch up and conquer
a world that has sped by so many of them with so icy of a gale. The
YWLS gives these girls a chance to breathe. As one YWLS student told
me, "It's a private school education...at a public school price."
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