House Inc. The Create House organization began in the Harlem community
in 1983. A man named Father Ben started it in a storefront. It later
moved into the building on 111th and St. Nicholas Ave. In 1997 it
contracted with the city of New York to be a homeless DHS drop-in
center. It's an outreach program for the community; it helps youth,
Senior citizens, single parents, and the homeless. There are several
other components to the organization: a Senior Citizens component,
an Outpatient component, a Young Adolescent component, a Pantries
component called Anthony House, a Transitional Temporary Residency
Housing component, Rehabilitation component and Physical Building.
George Rodriguez became involved in the Create House program through
a former member of the organization in 1992. Mr. Rodriguez was the
President of the community Shechem service in the south Bronx. His
friend desired to be trained on how to run a food pantry in the church.
His friend told him about Create House and they both went down to
visit the place. Mr. Rodriguez saw an opening for a managerial job
and applied for it. Two months later he got the job in the transitional
residency component. He later became a counselor.
a counselor, Mr. Rodriguez counsels in the area the client needs.
If the client needs an ID, he will work to get him one. If he needs
public assistance, he gets him that assistance. If a client needs
clothes, he finds clothing pantries where the client can go to get
clothes. He is basically there to help provide all of a client's needs.
He helps the client get work and learn to manage money so the client
has enough money saved to be able to go on independent living which
is the goal of this a Transitional Temporary Residency Housing component.
teaches clients what could happen if they save their money. Mr. Rodriguez
gave this example: A client gets paid and has all the essentials he
needs for a week. He wants to keep an extra fifty dollars in his pocket
that h does not need. He calculates what fifty dollars would be if
he saves it for four weeks and then shows him all the things he could
buy with the money saved.
Rodriguez was saved in 1984 when he started Bible school. He said
the Lord put love in his heart for people that are needy. He started
to volunteer at a Christian drug rehabilitation center. In 1993 he
became ordained as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And he
said it became more established in his heart that the Lord led him
to be a counselor at Create House.
Rodriguez said that the program really makes a difference in the lives
of people. Some people come with low self-esteem and problems with
finding a good job. They sit down with the counselor then find a job
they're good at. Later, they return and thank Create House for what
it has done to help them help themselves.
Rodriguez said the goal of the transitional residency component of
Create House is for clients to go on independent living. Before any
client goes on independent living, they sit down and discuss whether
they have enough money so if everything doesn't go right with their
work they can still pay rent and essentials.
Farmer Jr., a former client at Create House, came to the program because
he said you can't go to a shelter where you live at which is Queens.
He was in the program twice, once for four months and then for one
year. He gave up his time screeching for what ways he can help himself
change his life around. So he went to a private bible study school
which helped him a whole lot. He now has his own business and advises
youth to stay in school, stay off the streets and listen to their
Create House organization is very helpful to the community. It provides
many centers for people in the community that need assistance. Create
House is trying to help needy people get back on their feet. When
most people shun the homeless, they treat them as equals and try to
help them. They have positive intentions and should help teach others
to have the same intentions for needy people.