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July 27th 2004:


Vickie Stringer, author, entrepreneur

Vickie Stringer was born raised in Detroit, Michigan. If you get the opportunity to speak to a successful entrepreneur, Ms. Stringer should be your top choice. Vickie Stringer is the owner and head woman in charge of Triple Crown Publications, the fastest growing publishing company in the nation. By now if you live in New York you’ve seen the books whether it’s in a book store or on a table of books on the block. Even with its great success surprisingly Triple Crown Publications is just 15 months old. With thirteen titles in publication at press time, and five others in the making and the dominating presence on the Essence bestsellers list, success is instantly recognizable. To the shock of many Ms. Stringer was incarcerated for seven years in a federal detention center for drug trafficking only a few years ago. Instead of wasting those seven years she made progress, “I was able to reflect on the decisions I made, passionately put my story on paper and welcomed God into my life”, Stringer says about her time in prison. Not only does she not regret her past but she is not at all ashamed of it either. If the world ends tomorrow she would want people to know that “I live without regret because everything happens for a reason.”

Currently Vickie Stringer has her own novel, Let That Be The Reason, in stores now. “The book follows a character (Pamela Xavier) who may have experienced some things similar to what I went through. I wont say it is autobiographical, I will say that it is a story that I know very well”, said Ms. Stringer. As far as her plans for the future, Vickie just hopes to have more titles from Triple Crown Publications available. She may even have a Triple Crown title on the big screen.

Here’s some more of the interview with Vickie Stringer:
Parle: A lot of people would like to get their written works published but don't know how to go about it, what should they do?
VS: I had the same problem. I self-published until the right people saw my book and wanted to publish it.
Parle: With the release of Soul Plane there is a lot of talk about stereotypes and I'm sure you hear it about your work all the time. What do you say to that?
VS: I don't release titles that perpetuate stereotypes, I release novels that tell harsh realities.
Parle: What would you say is your reason for being in this world?
VS: I believe that God has anointed me to communicate to the youth of black communities, in a language they can understand, to help them comprehend the reality of life in the streets and the consequences of their decisions.
Parle: What makes a book worth publishing?
V.S.: We have a Hit Or Miss Questionnaire that we use for each submission. These are the questions we answer for each manuscript.
Was it a attention holder?
After reading the first 4 chapters, do you want to read the whole manuscript?
If no, why?
Who are the main characters?
Are they interesting?
Can you read the book in 2 days?
Is the writer able to describe the characters, settings, and scenes in the story to Triple Crown Publications standard?
Are there memorable scenes in the book?

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