operating philosophy is to provide its youth with an environment of
trust, creative license, and the technological tools for documenting
and expressing their realities. The online journal
is the tangible outcome of their work. It is an evolving vehicle for
learning and sharing perspectives on important news issues of the
day. Producing the journal drives the students to consider the world
around them and their place in it, with new eyes, as they participate
in telling their own stories.
the students out on stories where they meet a wide range of people
engaged in various professions, broadens the youths' outlook and understanding
of what possibilities and opportunities exist. Furthermore, by using
cutting-edge information technologies to publish and broadcast their
stories to the world, they gain valuable skills that have helped scores
of HarlemLive graduates to get jobs and admission to colleges.
online journal, with a diverse and global readership is a recognized
website by the Daily News, USA Today, Parade, The New York Times and
Yahoo!. The site was honored at the 1999 Computerworld Smithsonian
Awards in Washington, D.C. and it took first place in the Media and
Culture category in the 1999 Global Bangemann Challenge, an international
information technology competition held in Stockholm, Sweden. HarlemLive
was also featured on the CNN news programs, Newsstand and DotCom.
site receives letters of praise from readers located in countries
as far away as Nigeria, Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, and
Brazil. The students have made presentations in Washington, Stockholm,
Senegal, Costa Rica, California, and various Universities and High
Schools across the country.
receives some in kind support from the Institute
for Learning Technologies at Teachers College. However, we receive
minimal direct financial support. In order to ensure continued success,
HarlemLive seeks funding from the private sector.
is a pioneer in the effort to bridge the digital divide. We ask for
your support to allow us to empower inner city youth.