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HarlemLive Works/At Work
February 6th was the first of many networking opportunities to come
for the 20 From Oyewole Odutola's view: When I had finally found my way there, the ceremony was halfway done. I went in and did a little silent talk (so to say) with Melvin and realized that when Richard rushed me out with the DC210 that I had forgotten to bring flyers. That turned out to be a big mistake. There happened to be many people that could've become very useful to HarlemLive, like the many, many organizations that made and decorated folders for little to no money. There were also Hairdressers, Broom makers, Caterers, and a whole slew of organizations that I didn't catch. I kind of came under-dressed so I didn't want to participate in the Photo shoot, but was kinda bullied (if thats what you wanna call it). Over all the day was used for photo taking and introduction for a series of gatherings to come, so stay tuned for the next update. |
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