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Write about where you feel most at home, where your querencia is. Describe it in such clear detail that you feel you're there. Gather photographs and pictures of your querencia and tape them to your wall or carry them with you. Search for your querencia: Keep asking yourself: Where do I come from? Where do I feel most at home? Where do I feel most happy and relaxed? (For writers: What is my ideal writing environment? Where can I write with my full powers?) Contestants: When you write about your Querencia, tell where you go or what you do to help you feel better after you have felt down or when you were concerned about someone with whom you care a lot. Then, in your article, tell of a specific incident or time you remember being hurt, worried or down because of something going on in your life. In other words, tell in general what you do to make yourself feel better, and also tell of an actual time that something happened and what you did or where you went to make yourself feel strong again, to regain your power. GOOD LUCK!!! Please submit or mail your entry as soon as possible. |