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Poem by: Guyan Wilks


One by one we take life's blows

As we are met with deadly foes

One voice defends a nation

While another, alone faces devastation

Yet if we work as functioning team

We can save many lives and fulfill many dreams

For together we can fight any demons around

Free any of our friends who were bound

Conquering problems listed or sighted whenever we all are united.

Divided we may fall on our face

And lose many of life Epic race

You walk on the path alone each day

With no one to HELP, you go astray

You take on all of this load As there is no friend on this empty road

But together a journey is complete

And all your Enemies face defeat

So many good things can be invited

If all of us are united.

United we can mend many hearts

United we can inspire fresh new starts

United no one can stand in our way

United we hold the future as well as today

United our victory is waiting as we never stop creating

No one can stop the fire we've lighted If all of us truly united.


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