By Ebony Meyers Edited by Angel Colon
On Sunday, June sixth the staff of Harlemlive (Shem, Laura, Malik, Devan, Kerly), and myself accompanied by three advisors (Eric, Rahsaan, and Elaine) headed out to Washinghton D.C. as finalists in the Smithsonian Computerworld Awards. As we drove for approximately five hours I thought WOW, this is so cool. Harlemlive is moving up!! I was also trying to predict what the dinner was going to be like and how everyone was going to react to the youth of Harlem.
Monday afternoon there was to be a luncheon, which Kerly and I did not attend because we were going to the dinner later in the day. However, we spent a good amount of the day getting ready for the exciting evening that awaited us. Not only were we representing Harlemlive but the whole Harlem community. I felt proud to be in such a position. Also I was nervous because I still did not know what to expect at the dinner. Finally the time has come, I thought as we waited for our limo to arrive. Before I knew it the chauffer had opened the doors of the black limo and we were walking on the red carpet. As we were seated I said to myself "this place is beautiful". But there was something intringing about the setup and arrangement of everything. I noticed that from the decorations that everthing was just so creative. On the tables there were trays of grass and dirt, long sticks, thumbtacks, paper clips, construction paper, scissors, copper wire, glue, rubberbands, wooden blocks, string, and a whole bunch of straws. What kind of dinner was this, I thought? I could barely see my plate and utensils. When I looked up I noticed these men throwing paper airplanes off of the balcony. How strange! Minutes later I was told that the table who made the most creative and tallest structure would win a prize. So of course our table which included guests from Epson got busy. While we were working on our straw structure the ceremony began. Kerly went up on stage along with the other Smithsonian Computerworld finalist to accept Harlemlives' award. This was a kodak moment, all the effort and hardwork that the staff of Harlemlive's dedicates daily to the Internet Magazine was being rewarded. This was a wonderful feeling.
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