African American Male Empowerment Summit was held on July 28-29, 2000.
This summit was held in Harlem, USA to educate black communities on
business, youth development, fatherhood, the prison industrial complex,
relationship building, mentoring, technology and community development.
This was an informative meeting where thousands of American males
came together to learn new ways that they can improve themselves and
their community. Those who attended the Friday night opening sessions
of the conference came for many different reasons. A number of different
messages were given to the youths and the community as well. The theme
of the Summit was to discover Your Unique Talents, Apply yourself,
and be a leader.
A. Rogers, Director of Urban affairs at City College, was responsible
for setting up the whole program. He is planning programs for youths
so they can become young entrepreneurs in their communities. The message
that he brings to the youths is try to make it so that young people
are not blamed for the problems that are caused by those who are running
society. He also stated that, to be successful as a leader in the
community, you have to understand yourself and who you are. Once you
do that you are ready for the other challenges that come up. He is
a positive black man trying to do something positive for the community.
attendee of the summit was Darryl Mack, a teacher from the Yonkers
Public Schools. He was there for fellowship and to receive some insight
in how to empower his community and help make a difference. He thinks
it takes a conscious effort from everyone to bring finances to the
community to get better businesses. He stated that the state needs
to step up their role in contributing more resources for inner city
schools, implement programs and help uplift and improve the conditions
of the schools. As for being a successful father and leader in the
community, he stated that youths need more positive role models in
the community. If they don't see this in their community, how can
they be successful?
though it was a male empowerment summit there were some women who
came out to support the cause as well. Maatu King, a young black lady,
came to see how to empower the community. She stated that while black
women are essential to the home, the black man is essential to the
foundation of the home. Black men should empower black women. She
also stated that if you want to attract business to the community,
we have to identify ourselves as a community that is not about drugs
or crime. She was every emotional about the topics; the community
needs more people like that.
WBR Radio
B.Whiype is from WBR radio at City College. Her radio station has
a lot of interactions with youth. She advises youths to get mentors
because mentors can help them a lot in life. Mentors have probably
been down that road or know what you're going through and can help
you. I think she is absolutely right with her advice. She also said
that we need to be an expert at something the world could use. She
went on to say that black people are the only people in the world
that speak one language, that we need to go out and learn another
Public Relations
Williams, one of the best-known public relations persons today, also
attended the summit. She came to support the brothers, meet and talk
with other people, contribute her experiences and be uplifted by the
speakers. She stated that you can't pay anyone back but that you must
pass your skills on to somebody else. She also stated that, in order
to be successful, you must leave no stone unturned, make sure you
study your craft, treat everyone with respect and courtesy, be nice
to people and remember to say thank you.
Shadow, artist who those flowtry which is poetry and art together;
came out to support the brothers as well. His art work is what he
contributes to the community. He puts all his heart, joy, beauty and
inspiration into his work so he can show people they can play a part
in whatever they want to do. He says that our art is our weapon. It
gives us the will to live everyday, the inspiration and shows what
you do with your time.
Perez attended the summit with positive profiles of America. He is
a photo- journalist for Next Stop magazine. He came to spread the
message of his contributions and his work in the community. His message
to the youths is to get involved in the community by volunteering
and get help or in touch with the elders in the community.
Johnnie Walker Black Label
J. Fraser attended the summit for sponsor Johnnie Walker Black Label.
This is their third annual sponsorship of The African American Male
Empowerment Summit and the message "Fathering for the New Millennium."
He feels that there are a whole bunch of roadblocks for young fathers
in the community. He said there are a host roadblocks that are cyclical
in nature and come up when you are born. It depends what your scenario
is and what you are faced with, how you are raised and poor schooling.
He stated that the most important factor is yourself; the only limits
on you are the ones you set upon yourself. The most important statement
that was made by.... was that we must fill out census and vote in
mass for one person and let that person know that you're supporting
them due to several criteria. That causes the person to act and respond
to his supporters. He declared "it's like what Jay-Z said a closed
mouth does not get fed."
Walk the talk
Lawrence attended the summit because her husband is the producer of
the summit and came to support him. She stated that to help the community,
we need to network with others and teach kids the value of owning
their own businesses and that technology is the key. If we're not
online then we will be left out of line. Her statements are very informative
to the community, all people have to do is take action. She also stated
that if you want to be a leader in the community, you must lead by
example. If you want the youths to be technically smart, you have
to be technically smart. If you want the youths to go to school, you
need to go to school. You need to do the things you're telling the
youth to do and lead by example.
whole weekend was filled with people giving positive messages to the
people in the community, especially the youths. The most important
make a huge difference in your life.