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David Love started out as a volunteer at the center. He has currently been there since 1995. He had taken time off from Harvard Business School, where he is studying for his MBA. Mr. Love's said, "I joined the Center to make a difference. There is more to life than just making money. You have to try and help people and do what you can to make things better."
Over the last couple years, . David has been at the center, he says that he has seen a few changes. For one, they have done more out reach dealing with community groups and organizations. David commented that this is very important.They have also had access to Newspapers and TV programs which has helped people all over the world hear about CCR and allowed them to handle cases in different countries. "There are rights that are guaranteed to people in the constitution and we're here to make sure that the people get those rights," said Mr. Love.
The Center of Constitutional Rights 212-614-6464 |
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