Africa made me more passionate about life because everyone
there is a passionate person. Absolutely everyone. The professors,
the students, the janitors, the cab drivers, the bus conductors,
they store clerks, the cats, the dogs…everyone! Sometimes,
I was just struck by it all.
This year, 2004, is South Africa’s “10th Anniversary
of Democracy” and will be an incredible time to be
there. I look forward to returning as soon as I can, and
will likely return to UCT (University of Cape Town) for
my senior thesis. If you have the opportunity to go –
I’m glad I decided to come to South Africa far before
I’d come to Oxford, because it grounded me in ways
that I don’ t believe England – or Germany,
or Japan, or any of the other G3 affiliates – would
have been able to. Okay, okay, I have written an official
novel, now, and don’t know who in the world is still
reading by this point, so will just cut it short. I LOVED
South Africa, and can’t wait to go back!!!
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