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Date Posted:March 2004

Danya Steele Diaries
by:Danya Steele

A friend writes from South Africa and asks when I’m coming “back home.” I’ve only been gone from Cape Town, South Africa for a month. I blink at the words in his email, wondering what he means by that, and why, of all the adjectives he could have used – say, “Cape Town”, “South Africa”, “Southern Africa”, “Africa”, “this part of the world”, or even “over here” -- he used the word “home.”Do you remember seeing ‘Bowling for Columbine’? It was an award-winning documentary on American culture directed by Michael Moore. Most people enjoyed the movie though said there was so much thrown into it, they failed to really get “the point.” I sympathize with what I’m sure was Mike’s conundrum: so much to say and such little space to say it!

I realize I neglected to give the last installment of “My South Africa -- The Danya Steele Diaries” (yes, catchy title) though want to give the way I am feeling, thinking, perceiving right now...before it runs out. Before it’s too late. And, besides, I’ve been here at Oxford for a month, now, so I should probably begin updating on that. Writing a concise yet informative email on The Huge Event That Was South Africa will be challenging, but let’s go:

Things that come to mind…

Intro | Entry 1 | Entry 2 | Entry 3 | Entry 4 | Entry 5 | Entry 6 |

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