Letters to HarlemLive:Post to HL, Call or Email your own Letter
From Lizzy Email: jsem@postoffice.pacbell.net
waSSup Slam...how yaLL doin..I waNNa teLL you that Yo MagAzine is Off Tha MeTer..yaLL got yo ThanG Goin...Even though I'm a GuRl..I'm stiLL goNNa reaD tha Mag..cuz I know yaLL BroThaz be haTin on Us guRlz..But We Got GamE...So yaLL should PuBlish this Shout`out to aLL tha GuRlz who doin they ThaNg Wit BaSketBaLL.keEp WorkIn at It yaLL..and SlaM..keEp doin yaLL Thang ;) ~LiZZy~
From Malcolm Email: malcolm4__99@excite.com
Your site is very informative and I'll be returning to it again. I'm a poet/writer living in NJ/NYC area.
From Lynn Radcliffe Email: radcliffelynn@africana.com
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for having HarlemLive made available to me on the Internet. ÊI'm a new user on the Internet and have signed up for Africana.com service. When I logged on to the Internet Friday, the top story listed was about HarlemLive. I read the entire article and then ventured to your website.
ÊIt is such a joy reading about and seeing our young adults and children using the gifts that are in each of them to share something positive with the world. ÊDuring these times when many of our young people are so troubled, the staff and contributors to the stories and features of HarlemLive give me hope. ÊI have always believed in my heart that our children are special, if only someone takes the time to listen and help. Thank you for making my day. ÊI will be checking out HarlemLive every chance that I get and will share it with my children, grandchildren and friends. Ê
Your stories are inspirational and give me so much pleasure. ÊThe pictures are fantastic and so "regular" and real. They show that we can be whomever we want to be and have the talent to do so. ÊKeep up the great work. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
From Lynnette McBride Email: Lynnette@cometsystems.com
As a frequent visitor of Harlem and an enthusiast of the rich Harlem community, I visit your site often. I find your site entertaining, refreshing, and informative, but more importantly, I find your site to be a valuable resource regarding issues unique to the black community.
From Lottie Khemraj Reynolds, Email: s2ckreyn@titan.vcu.edu
I wanted to commend and compliment the success of your organization! Currently i am a student @ Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond VA. The article struck a cord with me because of Richard Calton's concern for after school activities for our young people! I grew up a child with no afterschool activities other than things that were idle.
My husband and I have a 5 year old daughter and now have a even more perfect reason to get it together, but not just for my daughter but for many, many kids! My major here is Crafts with a concertration in Metal Smithing and Jewelry, with a minor in Art Education and I graduate this December. I cam currently seeking advice from any and ALL for how to begin an after school program with a grain of substance! WITHOUT too many dimes to rub together!!!! If you have any suggestions as to what resources that I could look into other than my collection of friends ~ I would really appreciate it or even if you would like to just shoot the gift~ hit me back!
From Octavia R. S. Gatson, Email: octavia.gatson@africana.com
I am a 20 year old junior at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, GA where I am pursuing a B.A. in Public Policy with plans to complete a joint degree program of law and Public policy upon graduation.
I wanted to write to add my message of pride to the many others you receive. In this world it is so easy to become pessimistic and frustrated when in actuality the media only shows the bad and misled portion of our youth and our race at large. It's a pity that had I not been a subscribed member of africana.com, where the focus is the promotion of our race, I would have probably never heard of HarlemLive or its mission.
I just want to say thank you for not only pursuing your own individual dreams and objectives in this world but for showing our youth, the generations coming after you, that success can be theirs as well. Knowing that we learn best by example, I just want to thank all of you for setting some of the best examples I have seen in a while! Keep up the outstanding work and may God continue to bless each and everyone of you with peace, love, and perserverance.
From Joy E. Chau Email: jhing@dclink.com
I just came from viewing the portion of the website on the Harlem School of the Arts (HSA) and wanted to thank you for featuring the organization. I am a former Harlem resident (born and raised) and attended the Harlem School of the Arts for several years. The dance (ballet, modern, and ethnic), drama, piano, violin, and art classes that I took have served me well throughout my life. Although I am not currently working in the field of arts, my exposure to the various areas of music and art afforded me by HSA has given me an affinity and appreciation for theater, music, and dance that characterizes my daily existence.
Reading about HSA brought back so many memories and am glad both that I was able to attend the school and that its doors are still open, allowing a whole new group of children to attend and benefit from the various programs offered. I intend to visit the site often and thank you for showing Harlem in a positive light.
From Konstantin, Germany E-mail: kosijdfd@calvados.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE
I'd just like to say that I think you do a great job. I live in Germany and visited NYC last summer. On sunday I went to a church in Harlem (alone, not in a bus packed with tourists) and people gave me much love there. Your site reminds me of that very much. You have the energy to do something great and to be very special people. Be proud of that!!!! I'd like to get an answer and perhaps somebody who wants to know about life in Germany or talk about his life and work at HarlemLive can write back.
From: ingo.fechtel.extern@ae3.hypo.deHey folks,
cool page, good idea, nice stuff. This is about one of the best ways to spend one's sparetime I've ever heard about. If you ever come to Munich, write me, and I will meet you folks in a beergarden :-))
bye, Ingo...
From: TahirDella@t-online.deHi, Staff from Harlem Live Homepage
Your Page is very good and helpful step in the new Millenium, thank you
From: Dusty272@aol.comI would first like to tell you how much I loved the article about the Black Rodeo.
From: frankperry@iol.itSalve!!!
Che bel sito! ho trovato delle cose molto interessanti, stimolanti direi, certo io non conosco l'inglese ma con un buon dictoniary of english ho potuto apprendere delle informazioni interessanti. Perché scrivere a voi? semplice, io sono un artista italiano(Roma)e apprez- zo le cose concepite con criterio, perfezione, buona volonta,...... e voi avete dimostrato appieno tutto questo. Io non conosco la vostra vita, il vostro quartiere, non conosco neanche l'America, tutto quello che so della vostra nazione e di N.Y. l'hocaptato, catturato ,digerito, tramite films, e t.v..
Quindi, e logico supporre che abbia un'immagine sfocata, e non esatta della vostra Realta. Questo forse potrebbe succedere anche a voi: mi è capitato di andare a Londra, e lì tutti pensavano che gli Italiani fossero mafiosi, gelosi, e che cantassero come Pavarotti. L'Italia non è per fortuna solo questo, anzi per il 99% di noi la vita è uguale al resto del mondo.
La mattina ci si alza e si va a lavorare, la sera si sta in famiglia, e il fine settimana ci si ritrova con gli amici da Mcdonald. La mia vita certo è diversa, sto studiando per entrare a far parte della scuola Disney Italia, e vivo facendo degli immensi quadri d'illusione ottica (trompe l'oeil) Per il momento non guadagno molto ma chissa forse un giorno aprirò un piccolo studio a N.Y. Dimenticavo, io sono un ragazzo Bianco, ma mi sembra assurdo anche scriverlo, perchè facendolo sottolinerei la differenza che ci dovrebbe essere, e che invece non esiste. Vi sarei grato se mi rispondeste anche in Inglese(lo farei tradurre da un amica!)Grazie è buon lavoro!!!!
Editors Note: If anyone can translate this for us it would be greatly appreciated.
From: gag2@home.comThank you all so much! I am 15 i live in colorado i used to act like a thug then i got saved . I listen to you guys and you help me keep my head up and keep my path streight. you helped me get through some tuff time and i pray that you guys kep it up!
thank you so much love and god bless
Ashely Marie
From: sayeed@webtv.netPlease let Brother Saleem know that I (Brother "Africa") saw his reportage and interview of me conducted at the Starbucks location. He did a good job, I appreciated his product and want to encourage him to continue "speaking truth to power."PEACE & PEACE Out !!!!!
From Solange, Brazil solange@odb.com.brFirst of all I would like to congratulate you for this beautiful job of having the Harlem youth engaged in such a positive activity I am from Brazil, and plan to go to NYC next August. One of my greatest wish is to attend the Sunday Harlem Gospel ceremony.
I crawled on your site because I was anxious to find something about it but I did not succeed on my search.
In Salvador, the city where I live, there is a great African inheritance and there are also many interesting projects involving the poor Youth. Unfortunately, they are not connected to Internet yet. Otherwise, it would be very interesting for you to go through some of them. Hoping to hear from you soon, I wish you SUCCESS.
From Lemont Haskins Email: Idiogbe@aolMy Comment=Loved the site. I work at Harlem hospital with Eric and suggested I visit the site and I was not disappointed. I would like to volunteer some time and teach the kids juggling or magic which are my speciality skill. You can contact me at Harlem hospital or e-mail me. Keep the African American spirit alive and the good work. Peace
From Harry Le Grande Email:HARRYLEGRANDE@prodigy.netJust discovered your site while watching Universoul Circus on HBO. Great site, we were fortunate enough to see the Lion King pre New York in Minneapolis in Summer of 1997. It is a great performance, thanks for the behind the scene interviews. We will be making our first trip to New York this Spring, hopefully we can see the HipHop Circus in May.
From Sid Washington Email: SIDARTIFAX@aol.comI think this is a great web site we need more sites like this for our communities, I commend all who helped developed this site. Keep up the good work! Let's see if we can come together and do some work.
From Aziza Email: DDJW AZIZA@aol.comMy name is Aziza, Director of the Def Dance Jam Workshop. Two of your reporters interviewed me at the AUDELCO awards. My dance company opened the show. I was impressed by the professional of your two reporters. Professionalism in business and creativity are main rules for members of DDJW.
We hope to work with HarlemLive again in someway. 1999 is the Fifth Anniversary of Def Dance Jam Workshop, we are the only program serving youth who are physically and developmentally challenged in the Harlem Community.
Keep up the wonderful work that all of you are doing.
From ufmf@email.msn.comI am a native of Harlem (110th Street and 5th Avenue) living in Los Angeles. I was delighted to stumble across this site!!!!!!!)
From Hans Bach, Denmark Email: bill-c@get2net.dkMy name is Hans, I am 18, and I live in Denmark.
In Denmark most people are told that Harlem is a area with a lot of crime and so on. I would like to hear your views on that.
From Dindi T.C. Doward, Email: venomgyrl76@hotmail.comI just wanted to say Hi and I think that you guys are doing a great job. It's cool to see people from my block holding it down on a possitive vibe. All I hear from home is negative news. I am glad to see good things in Harlem. I have been stuck in Atlanta ( heart of the dirty south) for a Sec. trying unsuccessfully to come back uptop. But it's good to know I can keep up with my uptown news through you. Keep up the good work. I love ya'll and glad to see you doin ya' thing.
From the Samaki Swim Team, Email: DTHEMULE@aol.comAs the coach of the Samaki swim team I want to thank you for the nice article about our team. May I correct only one thing Our team name is SAMAKI which means dolphin in the African language of Swahili. We are not the Dolphins. When we go places and people ask what does Samaki mean, we say what it means and state we are the only competitive swim team in the Village of Harlem.
From Denise Turney, Email: RCampb3422@aol.comHi, I wanted to stop in and congratulate you on the good works you are doing. It did my heart good to come across your site. Keep stomping
From ,PAGMAMEL@aol.comWow...! I am planning a day in Harlem for the young people of my church. I was just surfing... looking for some ideas. When I came across your home page... I was hooked. You guys are doing a FANTASTIC job. I've never seen anything like this online. Of course I could not view everything at one time, so I put you guys in with my "favorite things". I am a mother of two and I am overwhelmed with pride of all of you.
May God bless you all.
From Ailin, Email: ashoai@hotmail.comWWWhhhaaaazzzz UUpppp!!! I'm a girl from Iran, but I live in Sweden. I'm 14 years old. I'm very interested in how it is to live in Harlem. When I get older I would like to travel to Africa and then to Brooklyn and Harlem. I know it's hard to live there but I'm gonna make it.
I am doing a paper in school about Harlem. You could write about the schools, how it is to work there, how it is in the streets, and then maybe a little about the Harlem Globetrotters. I LOVE Basketball.
Lot's of Love
From Sharon Simmons, Email: simmons@angelfire.comWe think this is a great project. We are going to link you to our website. Maimouna Keita School of African Dance Take Care.
From Eric, Email: Jez1man@aol.comI just wanted to say hello. I was referred to your website by a dear friend, Leslie Hall that works at Columbia University. I grew up in Harlem and find it quite hard to stay away from Harlem and all that it has going on. I currently commute to NY to teach and coach with Ice Hockey in a Harlem program. This is my 3rd year with them and i felt what a great opportunity - to teach the sport I love in Harlem where I grew up. I am also working on a book that will provide the history of Blacks in Hockey. Well that's just a little about me and I will visit your website to keep up on your organization as well as Harlem activities.
I was quite shocked to hear that the Apollo Theatre stage crew was on strike a while ago. I often run bus trips from Philly to the Apollo's amateur night show. I noticed that the Victoria 5 Theatre looked like it shut down, has it? Also there were brothers outside of MART 125 asking people to sign a petition to save the MART. Apparently, its up for sale or has a potential buyer.
Well I'll spread the word about HarlemLive.
From Delcina Sledge, Email: DePower3@aol.comThere's nothing greater than an idea whose time has come!
As one of your original advisors I've seen the growth of the organization. I have been in the shadows supporting you. There is no shortage in the talent department at HARLEMLIVE.
Due to schedule constraints I have been unable to attend the meetings but I am trying to make arrangements for the November meeting.
I no longer teach in Harlem but I teach and live in the Clinton Hill/Bedford Stuyvesant communities. My 7th and 8th graders would like to know if your down with Brooklyn writers and if you'll accept poetry or other articles from them.
Editor's note: Yes we greatly appreciate any contributions of poetry and writing from youth that's appropiate for our site.
From Sakia Lynn Harris, Email: shortsny@hotmail.com
My name is Sakia Harris and I heard about your website from Mrs. Monroe. She was my sixth grade teacher and I am now a Junior in college and I still keep in touch with her. I just wanted to let you guys know that I think that it is a very positive thing that you are doing and I wish you all the luck and success that you deserve. I am in college in Wilberforce, Ohio and I haven't been home since December of last year and I miss it very much. It is very expensive to go home. Anyway, when I looked at those pictures from home I began to cry. You never know how much you love something until you can't have it and I love Harlem very much. If possible, could you take a few pictures of Grant Projects building 1315. That is where I live and I would love to see it. It would really make my day and my little brothers. Well I have to go back to class. Again, much luck!
From Karen Alston Email: KALston266@aol.comGreat site, the pictures of Savion were great (big fan). Also, the notes on Odell's place the Sugar Shack were really nice. I went six months ago to eat and met a great person and inspiration in Odell. He is a wonderful man.
Harlem is beautiful, I try to get up to the city as much as possible. Please keep me in the loop as to the happenings..
From Tommy Webb Email:fwebb@nassau.cv.netNice idea.... nice idea... we had something in mind for some young folks out in on Long Island.... but it take your kind of focus..... Good work..
From Darrell Parker, Rancho Cucamonga California Email: Mentoby@aol.comI stumbled on Harlemlive website by accident. Needless to say I spent a lot of time on it. I grew up in the Bronx and was very very pleased to see positive vibrations coming from your website about the infamous Harlem community.
Keep up the good work and to everyone in th Community.....the struggle continues....but always to GOD be the Glory!
From Carina, Austria Email: cprantl@tyrol.at; Web Site: www.oetzi.comHi, great website you got there. I am very impressed but now I have to go on with exploring it.
from Craig-Outback, Email: Cdoubt@aol.comMy name is Craig and I live in Orlando, FL. I was browsing around and came across your site today! Very very cool. I have always wondered what living in Harlem might be like. I always wonder what it would be like to grow up and live in a place other than where I came from.
I would love to visit NYC and just stay in Harlem the whole time and explore that part of the city. I currently work for Nickelodeon here in Orlando. When I finished my internship with them last summer I actually moved to NYC for four months and worked for MTV and Nickelodeon there. I live in Williamsburg in Brooklyn right near the water by the Williamsburg bridge. I love it in NYC.
from Ken Bailey, Email: Ken132art@aol.comI recently discovered your web site and was very surprised and glad to see youth of Harlem doing something so positive. I read the poem by Lamont Sparrow.....good job my brother! I am originally from New York and my father was born and raised in Harlem. He loved Harlem! I myself am a writer and artist and want to encourage all of you involved with "Harlem Live" web publication to keep up the good work and keep learning....keep strong, stay proud and let the creative juices flow! ( I got a good chuckle from that short film by Angel Colon).
By the way, do you accept written material for publication? The reason I ask is that I wrote a poem about my father and he passed away in January 1997, and as I mentioned before, Harlem was his heart. His favorite spot used to be the Dunbar Tavern on W. 150th Street and 8th Avenue. My grandfather lived on that same street.
Thanks for sending me an e-mail reply and thank you for the kind thought about my father. As I said before, my father loved Harlem....and so do I. Thank you for inspiring me too. God bless you all, and peace and love to all of you.
From Paul Gardner, Email: lexNY@aol.comMy name is Paul Leslie Gardner, a native New Yorker as well as a journalist and web-crawler. I was elated to see your Web-Site and to know that Harlem youth is active in its input. There is so much negative publicity about Harlem so it is always good to find a positive story. Although, as you may well know, there are lots of positive things in Harlem that the media never point out. Feel proud that you now have the power, the energy, and the youth to point out those positives and spread that message round the world.
Keep up the good work. It makes me proud as a former East Harlemite, a writer, and a Diasporan. Keep up the good work!
From Cynthia Verboven, Budapest, Hungary Email: cynthia@appaloosacorp.huHarlemLive truly demonstrates the best potential of the Internet. Your staff and contributors deserve the best regards for talent and worthy intentions.
Thank you for a nice voyage to Harlem
From Bruce Pearson, Email: horne@sas.upenn.eduCongratulations on your outstanding internet publication, Harlemlive. You've done a beautiful job.
From Jay, Email: Jayman8728@aol.comYo! the sight is all that!! i'm a native New Yorker living in Dallas it's good to see Harlem in a positive light i'm trying to give my kids some culture it's like being on 125 eating a fish sandwich keep it moving!
From Kawi Mailutha, Bronx, NY; Email: kmailutha@warren-wilson.eduWhat you are doing is wonderful!! I would love to help out in anyway possible. I am very interested in the work you do.
From Maureen, Harlem, NYC; Email: cordcull@worldnet.att.netI just found you here by accident, and what a great pleasure and delight. I look forward to visiting this site very often. The work all of you are doing is excellent in every way. Plus, as a Harlem resident, it ís just great to find HOME on the Web!
P.S. I use a Mac also.
From SIPHIWE BLOSE, South Africa: Email:sgmseleku@hotmail.comHi there anyone,
My name is Siphiwe Blose from SOWETO. Your site is one of my favorites and it has drawn so much interest to me in the way it portrays Harlem and the life style of students who are dying to do the right thing by helping others.
I'd like to propose to the South African government to develop a youth program that will have some kind of activities like yours maybe. That will also enable SOWETO Youth to share Ideas with the youth of HarlemLive. Maybe the visit of your president will make a dynamic difference in South Africa.
South Africa lacks interactivity with the outside world, Apartheid is still a cloth (?) on the youth of SOWETO. Changes are dragging along better in some areas of S.A. Technology such as computers are new to the people of South Africa.
The objective of my mail is to ask you to help me draft a proposal document of establishing a center (maybe SOWETOLIVE will be a good Idea ) that has activities like computers, Internet, sports, journalism and learning programs. I hope this is not too much to ask from a stranger ;-))).
A copy of your white paper or proposal document will make a big change for SOWETO. In my mind, I see you as icons who have escaped from ROBBIN ISLAND just like my president. You know how to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight for what belongs to you. I guess I have asked the right people (my brothers and sisters).
Thank you,
From Joan , Denmark Email: jrc_pyl@hotmail.comHi!
My name is Joan and I'm writing to you from Denmark. After looking at your website I wanted to get in contact with you, hoping that you can help me. You see; I'm at a "project-school" called THE PLANET and we're planning a study trip (hopefully) to NYC in late August. I thought maybe you would be interested in having a visit from us; and maybe you could help us with other contacts...The Planet is a "project school": well, actually for young unemployed, but most of us chose to be that ourselves to work with our own projects. We have painters, musicians, people making movies, radio programs, happenings...etc. At the school we have courses that we chose ourselves, and we're in the middle of establishing a music studio, a graphic studio, a students union besides from the photo studio and jewelry shop we have already. We are about 55 students in the age of 20-27.
For our study trip we would like to meet some people with whom we can build up a network to exchanging ideas etc. -Maybe you know other projects similar to yours and ours??
From Nathan Martin, California Email: nmartin@calpoly.eduMy name is Nathan Martin and I am a senior Recreation Administration major at California Polytechnic State University, in San Luis Obispo, California. I am currently enrolled in a Dimensions of Diversity course and have a presentation to make on the subcultrue of Harlem. The research I have done has lead me only to obsolete information that gives me some history, but not any current updated information. Can you help? A point in the right direction would be much appreciated, and any info you could send via e-mail would help even more, as I want this presentation to depict Harlem as accurately as possible. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
From Ron Lester, NYC, Email: diabom@ms.comThank you for such an amazing website. A lot of valuable information you have here. Keep it coming.
From Coriander, Email: coriandr@yahoo.comHi you guys,
I just read your newsletter and I'm stoked to see youth using their intelligence to the fullest. Ever since I decided to visit Harlem everyone who "used to live in NYC" has tried to convince me Harlem is NOT the place to be, but Manhattan is. From my own research, I think Harlem is the place I want to visit.
Thanks, Coriander
From FOXMOP, Email: FOXMOP@aol.comGreat article on Dr. Wilcox, very informative and thought provoking. Whowould have thought that such great amount of information existed in such a small space next to the world famous Apollo Theatre. A treasure trove!
From Scot Anthony Robinson, www.visionwarrior.comDear youth, I'm sooooooo proud of you and your site. My name is Vision Warrior, I am a foot soldier in the war on drugs, please visit my website I'm sure we will work together in the near future. god bless
From Eugene Gaddy, Mansfield, Ohio. Email: cgaddy@richnet.netI Like what I have seen so far. I am also thinking of starting a program in my area so I am gettin some ideas from where ever I can. Please post and respond.
From Aldo Patriarca, Switzerland. Email: aldopatriarca@bluewin.chI lived for more than a half year in NYC, but I didn't see Harlem. Hope you guys can help me to get some I never will see in my life.
From Ronald Haywood, Email: TinyRon@webtv.netThe best thing that ever happened to Harlem - Put out of business by local politicians and now in "Exile" in Atlanta, GA!
From: R. John Smith Esq, Email: Rsmith4506@post.Harvard.eduDear Harlem Live, congratulations on your excellent website.
From Michael A. Cummings, Email: AVENUEKID@aol.comI recently discovered your website , when I was interviewed at the quilt exhibit . I am also in your photograph with Cassardra Graves the quilter maker. This website is a great idea to introduce young people about tomorrow's technology that will be an important part of everyone's life in the next century. Also, focusing on Harlem is a much needed on going project. This section of the city is rich in history and cultural importance . Even today there are as you discover many artists living in Harlem and making history . And what better way to educate and learn about all the good things in Harlem , than to walk the beat and see and hear first hand our community. The press has given people of color a bad image, it produces articles that re-enforce the negative stereo types. Documenting your discoveries is also very important .
Hopefully, your work and creativeness will help your viewers to see the big beautiful picture of life and to nurture their dreams.
from Ricardo Wandeveld, Email: larrica@ddomain.com.brAcheei super interessante esse site, sempre tive uma viso horrivel do harlem, mais Here super interested in this site, always had a horrible vision of Harlem, more or ou menos parecida com o que voces acham do Brasil, com muita violencia, tive o less similar to that which you have of Brazil, with much violence, it was my prazer de conhecer e vi que no existe violencia nesse bairro simpatico. leasure to get to know and see that the violence does not exist in such a nice neighborhood voces iro gostar tambÈm. which you also like Editors' Note: We will work on getting a translation.
from DeniseWHOAHHHHHHHHH! I say that the students at SVA should be worried (graduate and undergrad). They should all be required to take a look at what those students at http://www.harlemlive.org are doing they wouldn't be so haughty!!!!!!! I'm impressed and it "blows me away" to see young children filled with creativity hope and optimism. It restores my faith in mankind. That's the CIrcle of LIfe!!!!!!!!!Denise:)))))))))))))
from Robbie R. Grier, Flint MI Email: Grier_R@Pavilion.flint.umich.eduI want to be on your list because of the immensely positive things that you have accomplished. I APPLAUD YOU. Have a blessed day.
from Debbie Evans Washington D.C., Email: m1dda00@FRB.GOVCould you please provide me with information on the Apollo Theater? In particular, I'm hoping that I could get ticket information, as it relates to prices and protocal of purchase; upcoming schedule, if available; lodging information; and/or phone number & address to the theater. I wanted to treat my daughter to her first trip to New York for her 17th birthday which is April 5th.
Editors Note: We at HarlemLive do all that we can to service our readers but we encourage those out their with information regarding these letters to contact these people and help them.
from Sam Taitt Email: taitt@apollo.ndl.netI'm browsing your site, and will be featuring it on my radio program tomorrow morning on WLIB -- "Internet Connect" My company is ndl.net - an African-American-owned Internet Access company.
from B Foster, Grand Island, Nebraska Email:The staff writers doing WE ACT and JOE BRAGG have done an excellent job of reporting.These are examples of people doing a great job of using the web media,helping create wise media writers and helping others to become wise media consumers.This site continues to improve.To all involved, keep up the good work!
from Amanda Finkl, Chicago Il Email: afinkl@starnetusa.comI loved the book review on "Our America". I'm a teacher in Chicago and one of my students had been raving about the book. We've been learning about and writing our own book reviews. It will be nice to show the students that their opinions are important and that they can be heard! Thank you.
from Maik Lindemann, Germany, Email: maik.lindemann@tu-harburg.deHallo! I'm a student of city-planing in Germany. You really have a nice web-page here. I think you are doing a good job representing your district and doing something for your district and for the people who live there. I'll have the chance to come to New York for couple days, maybe I'll have the chance then to have a closer look at Harlem. So far so good...
from Gerard Figueroa-Mawn, Email: Gmawn@aol.comI loved visiting your site today! My reason for visiting is to find out to whom I should talk to within your organization to relay information on an off-Broadway show I'm presenting in April. It's called Jim Beckwourth. On April 26, 1798 this Afican American was born and 1998 is a time to celebrate his accomplishments. I look forward to your response.
from Sanane lan, Zambiya Email: bjktaraf@fanatik.com.trMerhaba manyak harlemliler Amerikanýn aðýzýna zýçtýnýz. Sizin yüzünüzden New York'a gelemez olduk. Fazla serserilik yapmayýn emi..
Editor's Note: We're not sure what this says but if anyone out there can give us a shoutout and translate this for us we'd appreciate it. What the deally?!
from Robert Parducci Email: robert_parducci@ao.uscourts.govI enjoyed the photo gallery and made a point to bookmark your home page right away! It's great to see information about Harlem, U.S.A. on the internet.
from Ulla Skiden Email: ulla@skiden.comI was just told by a reporter friend at the New York Times that I should look up your web site and take a look at your work. By doing so I think that I definitely have run into something that will stand good chances of being successful in our international IT Awards Program the Global Bangemann Challenge! I am impressed!
from Cleon Yaphet Brinson, Email: usa1802@kinkos.comWith all the trash flying around on the web, it's good to see a site with some serious cultural content. What's even better to see is that it's done by Black people. Maybe in the future this site can work with, or in some way connect, to the prison population, either by posting articles or creative writing by persons (particular youth offenders). But like I said maintain the work you're doing. It's well worth the bandwidth.
from Jady Glasgow, Scotland. Email: jady.k@virgin.netI have looked over your web-page and it has been a fascinating in-sight into your area. I am from Glasgow which is in Scotland and I got your page address from a magazine called 'The Net'. Your sight is fantastic because it let's me see your world.... Keep up the good work.....
from Sue Bowden, Britain. Email: srbowden@rocketmail.comI'm a white British woman and I came to New York in 1995. Whilst there, I went on a walking tour of Harlem and was impressed by the wonderful, non-violent feel on the streets, a far cry from the scaremongering that exists in the media. I liked it so much that I went back on my own on the Sunday morning to go to church - and no, I didn't leave after thesinging, I stayed for the service, and was very ashamed of the people who did otherwise - and then went and watched the Africa Day parade before having a wonderful soul food meal. Everyone I met was courteous and friendly towards me and I liked the "Mor Hugging, Less Mugging" I saw around. I just wanted to say that I hope that your area stays this way and goes on to even bigger and better things. I certainly have been promoting Harlem ever since my return, telling people what a safe and friendly area it has become.
Thank you for a wonderful time!
from Annette, Germany. Email: 0961670120-0001@t-online.deHi there, I am a german girl. My name is Annette and I am from Bavaria. I think it is great what you are doing with your magazine! - Annette
from Corey Pierce Email: coreypi@earthlink.netHello, I thought I'd comment on your website. I think it's a great way to help out our youth in these times, for where there is knowledge, power and self-determination, people will conquer all. Keep up the good work. As a young entrepreneur, I am also learning and always open to different and new challenges. This is the natural order of things to further educate our young adults and teens, to help them strive for their goals in life.
from G. Glover, Chicago Email: ggtravels@worldnet.att.netSaw information about your website in the NetNoir Newsletter, and I just love it! What a talented group of young people. I was especially impressed with the photography skills-the "Graffiti Pictures" by Shem were just what this homesick New Yorker who is presently living in Chicago, needed. I like the fact that the young ladies are involved with HarlemLive, and I encourage them to jump in and get totally involved-don't stand on the edges waiting for things to come your way--go out and get what you want!
Keep up the good work, and if you need any help or information regarding Chicago, let me know, and I'll do my best to help.
G. Glover
from Ricardo Wandeveld, Conheçam o Brasil Email: larrica@ddomain.com.br Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/4332Acheei super interessante esse site, sempre tive uma visão horrivel do harlem, mais ou menos parecida com o que voces acham do Brasil, com muita violencia, tive o prazer de conhecer e vi que não existe violencia nesse bairro simpatico.
voces irão gostar também.
Editors' Note: We will work on getting a translation.
from Donnyel Thornton Email: THORNTDT@ACS.WOOSTER.EDUI have been searching for information about present day Harlem on the internet, but have found my sources to be limited, and not very helpful. I did however get some interesting information from your website.
Be at Peace God Bless,
from Milford F. Plaines Email: khamet@tnp.com Web Site: http://www.tnp.com/holocaustI just visited your website, I thought it was awesome. I applaude you for your efforts. Keep up the good efforts. I would like to suggest a website for you to visit it's entitled the " African American Holocaust". The URL is http://www.tnp.com/holocaust.
Be at Peace God Bless,
from J.L. Smith of Cincinnati, OH Email: smithjl@email.uc.edu Web Site:oz.uc.edu/~smithjl
Editors' Note: Mr. Smith didn't send us any comments.. but we thought we'd share their URL.
from Bob Pryor of Brewton, Alabama(?) Email: Chicago@net1inc.net
What a facinating Web Site...keep up the great work and God bless our Black youths.
from Kellen Alexis Smith, E. Orange, NJ Email: Demef@aol.comI first read about your page in the USA Today and I decided to check it out. I found some really nice articles and a lot of information to share with my school's Black Culture Club. We need more outlets in our community and I'm glad that you all are doing a page like this. Keep up the good work.
from Ronald McEachin Email: RMceachin@aol.comI visited the Institute for Learning Technologies recently. I met Richard Calton and some of the kids. Harlem Live is a great way of reaching others and letting them get to know you. You are doing an excellent job. Keep up the good work
from Trina M. Smith, Email: tms400g@odu.eduI found this web site invigorating. I am a homesick New Yorker living in Virginia Beach, VA., while attending graduate school. So I was very pleased when I saw pictures of my stomping grounds and favorite eatery, the Jamaican Hot Pot. I will be home this Christmas and I can't wait to taste the jerk chicken, cabbage and macaroni with cheese. I commend the young people who are working on this web site. Is there anyone out there from uptown Harlem at 115th and 8th? I taught at the public school for 5 years and I sure do miss the diversity, culture and genuinness of the people in the neighborhood.
from Alicia D. Bonaparte Email: abonapar@spelman.eduI just wanted to say that you guys are doing a wonderful job with the Internet site. I "accidentally" fell upon it doing research for a paper.
from Marni Gilbertson, Texas Email: SplendRed@aol.comYou are all doing a fantastic job. Keep up the great work. I bookmarked this page and plan on visiting often.
from 'Sober Girl', Chicago Email: Sobergrl@aol.comI am a recreational worker at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center. I found your page by chance and really enjoy it. Keep up the great work and may God keep you safe and bless you.
from Steinar Hovland Email: steinar.hovland@elverum.kommune.noI am writing from a small town in the eastern part of Norway. We are almost 18000 people in a regional center with mixed working opportunities, several educational options and a lot of pretty Nature. I like Your Web Site and the Idea of an opportunity for young people to express themselves. Later we will connect our Youth Center, now under development in a former phone company building in the town center. We hope to develop our service to the youngsters of our town by opening a youth center with Internet connections and a lot of activities.
from Bob Wurster Email: rmail@earthlink.net Web Site: http://www.impactinternational.comI am looking for sites to exchange links .... YOURS is really great.
from Desi Ruiz Email: Desi_Ruiz@pcmailgw.ml.comOsakwe: Congratulations on doing such a great job at the HarlemLive UYBC sight. I will be telling everyone that I know about your sight and about the great Job UYBC and HarlemLive is doing in educating our youth (and adults) with the internet. I'm sure that the experience we are all getting though our cyber connections ou interactions with each other can only help us to be better humans.
Regards & Love, Desi
from Joseph Akpan Email: Jakpan@Harlemm.comHi, Sorry for the delay in replying your mail, I thought I already wrote to someone in your organization. Anyway, I'm from Harlem, NY but I'm currently living in Pittsburgh. I do visit NY quite often and we're trying to relocate back to NY/NJ. We're still building the web site, and if you're interested we will like to integrate you're site into the Harlemm , once it's complete. Let me know if you're interested.
from Lorna Rios Email: ellie@io.comHi What a wonderful site! I have put links to your site on four pages of my site, Correctional Education Connections:
¥ Adult Education: http://www.io.com/~ellie/4.html
¥ Community: http://www.io.com/~ellie/3.html
¥ African American Culture: http://www.io.com/~ellie/21.html
¥ Corrections: http://www.io.com/~ellie/13.html
Keep up the good work! I will be telling our students about your site.
Sincerely, Lorna Rios
Correctional Education Connections http://www.io.com/~ellie/
from Kristin Ingul Email: kingul@online.noGreat page. It is good to see that finally some positive things from Harlem are being shown. Keep up the good work.
from Ruth and Jerry Email: rjfine@gate.netYour pictures are very beautiful. You should be proud of what you are doing.
from BW Email: BWRF21@HOTMAIL.COMYou guys and gals did a wonderful article on kirk franklin and God's property. keep in touch.
from Jan Hagen, Norway Email: janhagen@hotmail.comI`m from Norway and visited this page, because of our hot net-tip in our countries biggest newspaper.
from Monique Matthews, Los Angeles, C.A. Email: mmatthews@lfp.comI just want to congratulate you on your tenacity, creativity and inventiveness. As a native Harlemite, I grew up in St. Nick projects and attended both P.S. 92 (on 134th between 7th and 8th) and St. Aloysius, I want to tell you that I am very proud. Keep up the great work.
I'm currently managing editor of Rap Pages magazine, based in Los Angeles. I just want you guys to know that I'm going to recommend your website to all my readers in the January 1998 issue. Look for it, it'll be the bomb.
p.s. your pictures of the African Day parade were on point. I sure do miss that parade. Take care.
Monique N. Matthew
Managing Editor, Rap Pages
from Ben Cook, Birmingham,AL Email: BensonCK@aol.comI have just discovered your web site. I am a 52-year old white man living in Birmingham, AL. I have a radio show and I am a writer, mostly sports, but some commentaries and a column that ran in one paper under the title "Random Thoughts." It was about anything I wanted and I enjoyed writing it. I read the story tonight about Tone and P and was touched. Great writing is simply painting word pictures, and this story did. I am looking forward to reading more of the original work on this site. Keep up the good work and may God bless you all.
from Carol Ray Email: engineer@libby.orgI live in Libby, MT and am working on a grant for the Montana Humanities Council on African Americans who were in the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933 and 1934. Over 600 men from the Harlem area came to Montana during these two summers. We would like to find some of the surviving men for interviews about the experience. I am looking for ways of posting requests for information, church names and addresses, Veterans groups etc. that might put me in contact with any of these men. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or contacts that might help. Thanks.
from Liza Kim Forrest, New York City Email: liza@roycenet.comI LOVE your website. As a fairly new Harlem resident there is a lot about the community I don't know about. Your site has given me some ideas on places I want to visit. The pictures are excellent, I felt proud to show co-workers, some white, where I live. PLEASE keep up the excellent work. I look forward to more stories and pictures.
from Calvin E. Hill Email: MSCS23@AOL.COMI read something called HarlemLive and did some research to find out what is HarlemLive. I'm totally impressed with what I found out about HarlemLive. I have not been home (Brooklyn) in years. I used to go to Harlem Preparatory School on 2535 Eighth Ave and when I read about HarlemLive and the youths growing up there. I say..... . Right On
from Bobby Townsend, Sharon, Pennsylvania Email: bball@hto.netI've only been to this site twice but both times have been very educational in understanding Harlem, I come to New York at least every other year, most of my relatives are originally from Brooklyn , N.Y.I really love visiting the CITY, every experience is different from the last, Love the Big Apple
from kristin washington Email: kristina.washington@mci.comJust found your Web Site, and I think it's great. I read about it in USA TODAY. I'm watching Wyclef on MTV and flipping through your slides
Keep up the good work. I'll stop by again.
from J. Herman Blake Email: jblake@iupui.eduFriends: I accessed your WEB Site for the first time today. I learned of it through USA Today. It is a wonderful WEB site and I write to thank you for bringing it to us. You are enriching the lives of many in doing so.
I grew up in Harlem in the 1940s-50s. I lived on 123rd between lenox and 7th, and 127th between Lenox and 7th. It was a rich and rewarding experience for me, although not always a happy one.
I plan to access your WEB site on a regular basis.
Keep on keeping on
from Jill Brown Email: stoney43@hotmail.comHeya guys, This is a phat page. I come back everyday to see the new things! Keep up the good work.
from Lakesha Hammonds Email: onenetgirl@aol.comI really love Kirk Franklin's music but you go too far with telling the young people that it is ok to [mix dance and Gospel]. It's not. But don't take that the wrong way. Excellent job. Just keep the dance away a little
Post, Call or Email your own Letter
from John Stearns, Edmonton, Canada Email: sdmsdm@planet.eon.netThis is a excellent web site. The young people have done some nice work
from Ruth McAlister Email: ruthmc@pugetsound.netI think it is great that you kids get to show your talents. It is It is too bad that more kids don't get a chance. It is a shame to waste a brain.
from keele.guy@fin.gc.ca, Ottowa, CanadaGreat Stuff you guys....well done. The web site is great. I got the Web address from Yahoo Picks, and really enyoyed the tour and sites of Harlem.
from Gramma Email: olivers@total.net web site: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4704Love GrammaHi....Oh the wonder of the internet. I am a gramma up in Canada. I just taught myself computers and the internet...It's fun and we get to meet people like the ones at "HarlemLive". I think your site is terrific. I commend all the teachers and students for such a fine job. I have a comment for Peterson Metellus (Reporter / Photographer) and Poet....keep up the good work. As long as you are able to write your poetry there's nothing that can stop your quest.I look forward to seeing more.
from B. Foster Email: bfoster1@genie.esu10.k12.ne.us, bateach2@kdsi.netGreat to read your info. I am looking to find more about the time when "Jo Lewis Won the Title" to go with a story of the same name, for my third graders. I want them to see that this place is still interesting, and a place of culture. Perhaps, when you interview some of the women ,they will have information to share on this. Thanks!
from slimfall@aol.comWe read about HarlemLive in USA Today. We were very excited to find your website. We have marked it as one of our favorite places. It has something for the whole family. Keep up the good work. We will visit often.
from Charles Mcgonigle, Indiana Email: charlesmac@iquest.netLike your site-Never thought I would like to visit Harlem-but after seeing your site -might make it there.
Post, Call or Email your own Letter
from PeterA very fine website... keep up the good work
from Rev. James Winfrey, III Email: jwinfrey@fia.netWONDERFUL! WONDERFUL! WONDERFUL! Peterson Metellus....LIVE POEM!
from Pensacola1@prodigy.comI enjoyed your web site. I was reading USA Today newspaper and every week I look under the section of Home Tech to see what new for there pic of the week. I am a native New Yorker now living in Texas. I shared your website with my family. I felt a little at home. Good Luck on your site.
from Uschi Frebel Email: acid-snake@t-online.deI´m from Germany and I like this. It´s very interesting to read ´bout Harlem and what people do there! I would like to e-mail with some of you!
from Gilbert Lopez of Salem, Oregon, Email: L4lopez@open.orgHello My name is Gilbert Lopez. I live in Salem, Oregon & have my own upholstery business which I took over from my mother & father who were very poor & had no education. They knew they wanted something better for themselves & for their children. They started their own business in an area called Billygoat Acres In Downey, Ca. It was tough for them to get started but as a child I never knew that 'till I got older & understood the hardships.
I have always been hassled by prejudice but it made me be better then every body else . It worked for me right or wrong!! I'm just so impressed by what I've seen on your web site! Carry on & stay strong! Hope to hear from you.
from: Peter Keizer e-mail: peterkeizer@hotmail.com, Zwolle, The NetherlandsI love your page. It is a great way for me to get in contact with a place I have heard so much about in Rap songs, movies, news, MTV etc., etc. It is also a great way to practice....if you ever want to become a journalist. Keep on working!
If you ever have questions about The Netherlands or Haarlem (the place Harlem is named after) or anything, contact me!
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from Stark@myself.com (?)Keep up the GREAT webpage and congratulations on doing such a fine job!
from Eric Smith email: deena@cyberatl.net Web Site: "www.cyberatl.net/~deena" & "www.thewebbuilder.com"Harlem the way it really is . . . is not a street sign, a grand marquee nor lifestyle, but it is a collage of wonderfully different, creative geniuses of varying walks of life. Don't ever let the world tell you who you are or validate your existance. You are who GOD says you are. As you've proven once again, you are special jewels in the heart and eyes of GOD!
from Angelique Anderson; Email: aa@akula.com; Web Site: http://www.akula.com/~aaFor 3 years I have wanted to work with children in producing and publishing content on the computer and the internet. I have approached various individuals to help me get the ball rolling. Lots of words but no actions behind them. When I heard the interview on WBAI, I was ecstatic because you are doing what I have wanted to do.
Unfortunately, I only caught the last but enough to get the URL. I like the website and am impressed with what the children are producing.
Do you have room for me to instruct, work and share my talents with your children? What can I help with?
Editors: Angelique, we encourage all who would like to assist to "come forward" and talk to us to empower the youth. Contact Us ASAP! (smile)
from FAZAMY@aol.comI heard two of your creators on a WBAI interview this morning, and I was impressed by their outstanding communication skills. I am more impressed by your Web Site. It is very well planned and executed and helpful. I will add it to my "Favorite Places" Bookmark.
Keep up the good work.
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from John H. Lowery: email: inforserv@concentric.net;
Web Site: http://www.concentric.net/inforserveYou have a great site and it was a pleasure to visit. I have you bookmarked for return trips.
from Carlos Manzano: email: CManzano@ix.netcom.com
Website: http://www.midtownmedia.com/manzanoAbsolutely terrific. Will be back soon!
from Jose B. Rivera Rivera: email: jose@east-harlem.com
Website: http://www.east-harlem.comKeep up the great work. Great idea.
from Pastor Sharon Land-Holley of Christian Templet United Church of Christ, email: ctucc@visi.netHarlemLive is fantastic. I have truly enjoyed this. I am the pastor of a church in the inner city of Virginia and I am planning on letting our youth see this Web Site so that they too can see what can be done with belief in God and in yourself, determination, and tenacity. Keep up the good work!!! Pastor Sharon Land-Holley, Norfolk, Virginia.
from Marshall Heller, Virtual Consulting Group, Austin, TXI commend you all for providing such a positive place for young people to develop their skills and build that much need confidence. You have a great web site. Keep up the great work.
Post , Call or Email your own Letter Email us at harlemlive@aol.com or send your comments NOW!
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